Mary Clinton, Transformational Guide

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Why I love Dreams

I am constantly amazed by the endless possibilities of dreams. The forms they take on, the content they present, the opportunities they deliver, all open doors to a deeper sense of self-understanding. There is something for everyone here. Whether you have a simple curiosity about a dream, want to develop a personal/spiritual practice using dreams, need creative inspiration or problem solving, or are ready to commit to knowing yourself more deeply, dreams can do it all.  

Saying yes to our dreams can take on many forms. It can begin at home by setting an intention to become more aware of what we are dreaming. The next step would be to record the dreams in whatever manner feels right. It can be handwritten, typed, voice recorded, drawn, painted or even sculpted. Whatever media excites you and engages in the moment. The simple act of taking a moment and thinking about what we dreamt is an act of accepting the gifts our dreams offer. 

The next step would be to share with friends and loved ones. When we begin sharing our dreams with others, we are destined to deepen the connections in those relationships. We are saying, “I trust you enough to share my inner world with you.” This process of sharing allows others to imagine what that dream would feel like to experience. This shared experience and opportunity for empathy and compassion are a gift for all involved. It is an opportunity for someone outside of us to acknowledge we aren’t alone. They too have had or at least can imagine having similar experiences. For this to be most effective and easier to receive, I always suggest a preemptive, “I don’t want you to tell me what you think my dream means. I want you to imagine you had this dream and tell me what it would mean for you.”  

Once people start working with their dreams on a regular basis, they hunger for more. Dream groups and one on one work are a great place to go for more support or to meet like-minded people. In a group everyone agrees at the outset that only the dreamer truly knows what their dream means. When a dream is shared with the group, every member, as the dream is told, imagines their version of the dream. They then take turns sharing what the dream means for them. I LOVE how often everyone finds something that touches them in another’s dream. This also provides the dreamer with several, often very diverse, interpretations all in hopes of helping them remember why this dream arrived. 

Working one on one provides an opportunity to go even deeper into a dream as the focus is solely on the dreamer. We can explore how this dream fits into what is happening in their daily lives and what it is suggesting about moving forward.  

If you have the slightest curiosity about your dreams, I encourage you to be brave and explore them. The better we know ourselves, the more honestly we can engage with the rest of the world. We can understand what is motivating us and how to move past our own limitations. Yes, all this from working with dreams! What’s not to love? 

If you would like me to discuss a theme or have a question, please email me at and who knows, it may be my next blog post! Until then, happy dreaming!